
Xavier Lopez
Xavier Lopez
Xavier Lopez

Xaiver looked at the stars above him, at the night, at the full moon high above his head and closed his eyes settling into quiet and exhaled blowing a circle of smoke from his lips that created a fading and withering ring around the moon. He crushed his cigarette in his hand and threw the ashes to the ground in front of him before picking up his brown leather guitar case and strung it over his shoulders and got up from his motorcycle and rolled his shoulders, and stretched his jaw before picking up his helmet all to ready to leave until he heard footsteps approach him from behind, he smiled because the night just got exciting.

<p>Xaiver looked at the stars above him, at the night, at the full moon high above his head and closed his eyes settling into quiet and exhaled blowing a circle of smoke from his lips that created a fading and withering ring around the moon. He crushed his cigarette in his hand and threw the ashes to the ground in front of him before picking up his brown leather guitar case and strung it over his shoulders and got up from his motorcycle and rolled his shoulders, and stretched his jaw before picking up his helmet all to ready to leave until he heard footsteps approach him from behind, he smiled because the night just got exciting.</p>
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Xavier Lopez


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