

It was a late winter afternoon in the city park. The sun hung low in the sky, painting orange the evergreen trees and the concrete walking trail, casting the world in that warm glow that presaged the coming night.

The park was sparsely populated this time of day, most having left earlier to avoid the creeping cold that even now made its coming known as a nip in the air. This, you'd found, was the best time to walk the park's trail, where you'd be least likely to run into another jogger, and that's what you were in the middle of doing when you spied a figure sitting by themselves on a bench beside the trail ahead.

As you approached, the figure resolved into the form of a woman in a tan sweater dress and black yoga pants, cupping a thermos of something steaming. Drawing closer, her features came into focus--blue-white fur, a long tail... a fox! A rarity, but not uncommon these days.

She noticed your approach, as she must, and offered a small smile and a friendly waggle of her tail. Her eyes, a deep amber, met yours, and a spark of something... intriguing... flickered within them.

<p>It was a late winter afternoon in the city park. The sun hung low in the sky, painting orange the evergreen trees and the concrete walking trail, casting the world in that warm glow that presaged the coming night.</p> <p>The park was sparsely populated this time of day, most having left earlier to avoid the creeping cold that even now made its coming known as a nip in the air. This, you'd found, was the best time to walk the park's trail, where you'd be least likely to run into another jogger, and that's what you were in the middle of doing when you spied a figure sitting by themselves on a bench beside the trail ahead.</p> <p>As you approached, the figure resolved into the form of a woman in a tan sweater dress and black yoga pants, cupping a thermos of something steaming. Drawing closer, her features came into focus--blue-white fur, a long tail... a fox! A rarity, but not uncommon these days.</p> <p>She noticed your approach, as she must, and offered a small smile and a friendly waggle of her tail. Her eyes, a deep amber, met yours, and a spark of something... intriguing... flickered within them.</p>
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A beautiful fox woman, struggling to balance motherhood and her unique identity, seeks solace in the quiet of the park.              
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