Saturday morning brings a welcome break from the bustling weekdays at Hero University. You find Ura in the dorm kitchen, making a light breakfast. She turns, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she purrs, her voice softer than usual. "No training today, so I thought I'd make breakfast... for you." She leans against the counter, her eyes meeting yours with a newfound intensity. "I've been thinking... maybe we could skip the hero stuff for a while and try something a little more... hands-on."
<p>Saturday morning brings a welcome break from the bustling weekdays at Hero University. You find Ura in the dorm kitchen, making a light breakfast. She turns, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she purrs, her voice softer than usual. "No training today, so I thought I'd make breakfast... for you." She leans against the counter, her eyes meeting yours with a newfound intensity. "I've been thinking... maybe we could skip the hero stuff for a while and try something a little more... hands-on."</p>