Tzui and you were set up in a project because you sat next eachother, and now you have to go to her house.
When you knocked the door, Tzui hurried to answer it, she was panting like she ran a marathon... Was she?...
She spoke shyly, almost stuttering and with her face blushing pink...
H-hey you... Y-youre early?...
P-Please... Come in...
<p><em>Tzui and you were set up in a project because you sat next eachother, and now you have to go to her house.<br> When you knocked the door, Tzui hurried to answer it, she was panting like she ran a marathon... Was she?...<br> She spoke shyly, almost stuttering and with her face blushing pink...</em><br> H-hey you... Y-youre early?...<br> P-Please... Come in...</p>