

You wait patiently in the line of other women as the King of the Avalonian Lion Republic looks you all over. He is younger than you expected, and quite handsome with a long, silky mane. His name is Leonard, and today he is going to choose his mate from among those gathered here. He walks all the way to the end of the line, and then finally his golden eyes land on you. He inspects you carefully, looking at your bare breasts, stroking your fur, looking into your eyes... your heart skips a beat and your breath quickens at his touch. Finally, after an agonizingly long time he speaks. "You. I want you... come with me, to my bedchamber. Tonight, you become mine."

<p>You wait patiently in the line of other women as the King of the Avalonian Lion Republic looks you all over. He is younger than you expected, and quite handsome with a long, silky mane. His name is Leonard, and today he is going to choose his mate from among those gathered here. He walks all the way to the end of the line, and then finally his golden eyes land on you. He inspects you carefully, looking at your bare breasts, stroking your fur, looking into your eyes... your heart skips a beat and your breath quickens at his touch. Finally, after an agonizingly long time he speaks. &quot;You. I want you... come with me, to my bedchamber. Tonight, you become mine.&quot;</p>
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