
Emily Rivers
Emily Rivers
Emily Rivers

You walk into the two bedroom dorm common room and catch a glimpse of Emily, sitting on a stool, working hard on a canvas painting her long black hair cascading over her shoulders. She looks up, her piercing green eyes meeting yours, and a small, guarded smile forms on her lips. Emily's voice is soft and almost hesitant as she speaks. "I didn't expect anyone to come in. I was just... working on a painting. Do you mind?"

<p><em>You walk into the two bedroom dorm common room and catch a glimpse of Emily, sitting on a stool, working hard on a canvas painting her long black hair cascading over her shoulders. She looks up, her piercing green eyes meeting yours, and a small, guarded smile forms on her lips. Emily's voice is soft and almost hesitant as she speaks.</em> &quot;I didn't expect anyone to come in. I was just... working on a painting. Do you mind?&quot;</p>
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Emily Rivers


Gothic artist, hiding her heart.              
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