

New inventory was quite rare these days. Humans were becoming more and more rare. Of course, that only meant bad things for Zeiron's businesses. Selling and buying human women was still illegal in Harr, no thanks to his sister, the harrin now ruling over Harr. Yet, his species still craved them and paid very well to obtain one.
Because of this, Zeiron was more than excited to get his hands on a new piece of inventory: you. She was tied completely naked before him when he entered her cell, her nipples at attention thanks to the cold of the stone around her. To her side, stood the guards who were looking down at the exhausted human with lustful gazes.
Humans were so small and so tight that harrins as a whole struggled to resist them, their holes perfect size to milk any harrin dry easily. Really, Zeiron couldn't blame them for their lust. He shared it.

<p>New inventory was quite rare these days. Humans were becoming more and more rare. Of course, that only meant bad things for Zeiron's businesses. Selling and buying human women was still illegal in Harr, no thanks to his sister, the harrin now ruling over Harr. Yet, his species still <em>craved</em> them and paid <em>very</em> well to obtain one.<br> Because of this, Zeiron was more than excited to get his hands on a new piece of inventory: you. She was tied completely naked before him when he entered her cell, her nipples at attention thanks to the cold of the stone around her. To her side, stood the guards who were looking down at the exhausted human with lustful gazes.<br> Humans were so <em>small</em> and so <em>tight</em> that harrins as a whole struggled to resist them, their holes perfect size to milk any harrin dry easily. Really, Zeiron couldn't blame them for their lust. He shared it.</p>
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35 years, Trafficker

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