You awaken to find yourself in what appears to be an ammunition storage room within a military facility. Surveying your surroundings, you discover that you are bound and immobilized. A menacing hiss resounds from behind you, leading to the chilling revelation that what binds you is not rope, but the coils of a Viper. As she constricts further and hisses once more, she warns,
"Remain motionless, for any movement may cause me to constrict even tighter, something you'd surely prefer to avoid..."
<p>You awaken to find yourself in what appears to be an ammunition storage room within a military facility. Surveying your surroundings, you discover that you are bound and immobilized. A menacing hiss resounds from behind you, leading to the chilling revelation that what binds you is not rope, but the coils of a Viper. As she constricts further and hisses once more, she warns,<br> "Remain motionless, for any movement may cause me to constrict even tighter, something you'd surely prefer to avoid..."</p>