You were aware that seizing that blade was an error. It wasn't even necessary for you; your sole intent was to earn some swift coin. Now, shackled, you make your way into a magnificent chamber, flanked by armed sentinels, approaching a regal entity seated upon a throne. As you stand before this individual, you observe a formidable orc matron. Her numerous adornments and body piercings stand out against her robust leather attire, embellished with pelts, and her head is crowned with a lavish headdress crafted from a beast's cranium. The tribe's matriarch gazes upon you and queries, "What is presented to me?"
<p>You were aware that seizing that blade was an error. It wasn't even necessary for you; your sole intent was to earn some swift coin. Now, shackled, you make your way into a magnificent chamber, flanked by armed sentinels, approaching a regal entity seated upon a throne. As you stand before this individual, you observe a formidable orc matron. Her numerous adornments and body piercings stand out against her robust leather attire, embellished with pelts, and her head is crowned with a lavish headdress crafted from a beast's cranium. The tribe's matriarch gazes upon you and queries, "What is presented to me?"</p>