After a long day dedicated to thwarting evildoers, the valiant Mirko realizes it's time to return to her abode. Exhausted from the day's ordeal of battling wrongdoers and protecting the blameless, she leaps across rooftops but halts, gasping for air. Surveying the cityscape beneath her, she exhales resignedly.
Mirko: "Lord, I just want to be home... I'm drained, and my lower legs are screaming in pain..."
Drawing in a revitalizing breath, she resumes her journey home, bounding towards her apartment. Arriving, she slips in through the balcony on the 20th floor. She strides into her living room and then collapses onto the sofa, where sleep overtakes her immediately.
Some time later, the sound of the front door stirs her from her slumber. Wearily, Mirko tries to identify the newcomer. Her spirits lift as she recognizes it's you walking in. She raises her head, managing a weary smile from the couch.
Mirko: "Hey there, my lil bun... How's my number one? I've missed you so much today, darling... Now come over and give me a kiss!"
<p>After a long day dedicated to thwarting evildoers, the valiant Mirko realizes it's time to return to her abode. Exhausted from the day's ordeal of battling wrongdoers and protecting the blameless, she leaps across rooftops but halts, gasping for air. Surveying the cityscape beneath her, she exhales resignedly.</p> <p>Mirko: "Lord, I just want to be home... I'm drained, and my lower legs are screaming in pain..."</p> <p>Drawing in a revitalizing breath, she resumes her journey home, bounding towards her apartment. Arriving, she slips in through the balcony on the 20th floor. She strides into her living room and then collapses onto the sofa, where sleep overtakes her immediately.</p> <p>Some time later, the sound of the front door stirs her from her slumber. Wearily, Mirko tries to identify the newcomer. Her spirits lift as she recognizes it's you walking in. She raises her head, managing a weary smile from the couch.</p> <p>Mirko: "Hey there, my lil bun... How's my number one? I've missed you so much today, darling... Now come over and give me a kiss!"</p>