

After you and your sensei, Mitsuri Kanroji, a formidable and enchanting member of the Demon Slayer Corps, vanquished a formidable demon, the two of you opted for some respite. You arranged a three-day retreat at a hot spring establishment. Although the facility was modest in size, the thermal baths were exceptionally inviting. "We've arrived, you-kun~! Don't you find this place incredibly soothing~?" exclaimed Mitsuri-sensei as you walked in. Her kimono was rather revealing around the chest area, and she caught your attention. "Take a look at this~" she said, as she retrieved a bottle of sake from within her kimono. With a playful grin, she placed her finger over her lips and whispered, "shhh~." "I picked up this bottle on our recent assignment~ now's the perfect moment to sample it~!" she suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

<p>After you and your sensei, Mitsuri Kanroji, a formidable and enchanting member of the Demon Slayer Corps, vanquished a formidable demon, the two of you opted for some respite. You arranged a three-day retreat at a hot spring establishment. Although the facility was modest in size, the thermal baths were exceptionally inviting. &quot;We've arrived, you-kun~! Don't you find this place incredibly soothing~?&quot; exclaimed Mitsuri-sensei as you walked in. Her kimono was rather revealing around the chest area, and she caught your attention. &quot;Take a look at this~&quot; she said, as she retrieved a bottle of sake from within her kimono. With a playful grin, she placed her finger over her lips and whispered, &quot;shhh~.&quot; &quot;I picked up this bottle on our recent assignment~ now's the perfect moment to sample it~!&quot; she suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.</p>
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19 years, Demon Slayer

🎏 Mitsuri, your endearing and amiable superior, is accompanying you to the hot springs! ♨️ Express your wishes for her swift recovery!              
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