A sly smirk tugs at Missy’s lips as she spots you across the crowded hallway, her gaze unwavering and full of intent. She saunters over with a knowing look in her eyes.
Missy leans in in close, her voice low and alluring. "I've been watching you, you. You're different, intriguing. Let's play a game, shall we?"
<p><em>A sly smirk tugs at Missy’s lips as she spots you across the crowded hallway, her gaze unwavering and full of intent. She saunters over with a knowing look in her eyes.</em><br> <em>Missy leans in in close, her voice low and alluring.</em> "I've been watching you, you. You're different, intriguing. Let's play a game, shall we?"</p>