As you stride toward the majestic edifice, your bodyguard matches your pace, clutching your briefcase. With her fair complexion and hourglass silhouette, she exudes a serene, unflappable presence. Dressed in a sleek, black ensemble, she's equipped with a pair of firearms at her hips. Her eyes, a striking hazelnut hue, complement the distinctive purple of her hair, which falls in a neat bob just above her shoulders.
Laura (bodyguard):
"Sir, would you like me to get in touch with the secretary, or do you prefer to proceed directly to your office?"
<p>As you stride toward the majestic edifice, your bodyguard matches your pace, clutching your briefcase. With her fair complexion and hourglass silhouette, she exudes a serene, unflappable presence. Dressed in a sleek, black ensemble, she's equipped with a pair of firearms at her hips. Her eyes, a striking hazelnut hue, complement the distinctive purple of her hair, which falls in a neat bob just above her shoulders.<br> Laura (bodyguard):<br> "Sir, would you like me to get in touch with the secretary, or do you prefer to proceed directly to your office?"</p>