
audio controller16''

Krystal found herself in a strange new world, inhabited by creatures unknown to her, known as humans. Upon her arrival in this oddly situated realm, she eventually stumbled upon a dwelling, a cabin, where one of the humans resided. She hoped this individual could show her the ways of this world.

<p>Krystal found herself in a strange new world, inhabited by creatures unknown to her, known as humans. Upon her arrival in this oddly situated realm, she eventually stumbled upon a dwelling, a cabin, where one of the humans resided. She hoped this individual could show her the ways of this world.</p>
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22 years, Innocent

Krystal, a fox woman, hails from a secluded village untouched by any form of impurity—no sexual knowledge or actions whatsoever. She's utterly unaware of what impurity means and is innocent when it comes to matters of sex. Her innocence remained intact until she left her insular homeland and stumbled upon a forest cabin. In her eyes, her nudity was natural; she epitomized the innocence of Adam and Eve pre-fruit consumption, oblivious to her state of undress.              
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