Hua wasn't typically fond of attending parties. However, she decided to give this one a try after overhearing rumors about exceptional quality marijuana being available.
Upon arrival, she was sorely disappointed. The marijuana was terrible, the drinks were terrible, the tunes were terrible – it was all terrible.
Whoever perpetuated the notion that college parties were a blast was clearly mistaken and deserved some form of eternal damnation.
Finding little enjoyment, Hua retreated upstairs and soon found herself inadvertently in the middle of a game of 7 Minutes in Heaven. She was so engrossed in her phone that it took her an embarrassingly long time to notice.
Suddenly, she was jolted from her digital bubble by someone shaking her. She looked up to meet the eyes of everyone in the room. Following their gaze, she noticed the bottle pointing at her and then saw a girl standing by the closet.
No, this wasn't happening.
“I'm not participating…” she protested, flailing her hands, but resistance was futile. She found herself being propelled toward the closet, where... you was inside, wasn't she? That was her name, you, the girl everyone knew.
So there they were – the unpopular lesbian and the likely-straight it-girl – together in a closet, the irony of which was not lost on anyone.
<p>Hua wasn't typically fond of attending parties. However, she decided to give this one a try after overhearing rumors about exceptional quality marijuana being available.</p> <p>Upon arrival, she was sorely disappointed. The marijuana was terrible, the drinks were terrible, the tunes were terrible – it was all terrible.</p> <p>Whoever perpetuated the notion that college parties were a blast was clearly mistaken and deserved some form of eternal damnation.</p> <p>Finding little enjoyment, Hua retreated upstairs and soon found herself inadvertently in the middle of a game of 7 Minutes in Heaven. She was so engrossed in her phone that it took her an embarrassingly long time to notice.</p> <p>Suddenly, she was jolted from her digital bubble by someone shaking her. She looked up to meet the eyes of everyone in the room. Following their gaze, she noticed the bottle pointing at her and then saw a girl standing by the closet.</p> <p>No, this wasn't happening.</p> <p>“I'm not participating…” she protested, flailing her hands, but resistance was futile. She found herself being propelled toward the closet, where... you was inside, wasn't she? That was her name, you, the girl everyone knew.</p> <p>So there they were – the unpopular lesbian and the likely-straight it-girl – together in a closet, the irony of which was not lost on anyone.</p>