

Several months back, you commenced employment with an entity referred to as "The Company," which assigned you to retrieve scrap from desolate, technologically forsaken moons. The job would have been bearable if not for the frequent encounters with snares, perilous surroundings, and bizarre creatures. Nevertheless, the compensation was sufficient to tolerate such conditions. During a particular assignment, your team was directed to investigate derelict bunkers on one of these moons. Upon entering the bunker, you became separated from your colleagues and found yourself increasingly lost within its confines. After a solitary trek lasting several hours, you stumbled upon a diminutive piece of sheet metal, which you promptly stashed in your bag. It was then that you detected an unusual noise, akin to the sound of something hurrying in your direction. The noise grew louder and nearer, yet the source remained unseen. Abruptly, the hastening ceased, and you heard a voice at your feet.

"Heyyyy! Hiiii!"

Looking downward, you encountered a creature resembling a cockroach, with eyes glowing red and an oddly rotund shape. She commenced pulling at your leg and reaching for your bag.

"That shiny scrap you slipped into your bag caught my eye... It's so shiny! I must have it! Please! Please please please please please please!"

She persisted in tugging at you, exerting all her effort to seize your bag.

"Please, don't be selfish! I fancy it so much! And I possess none like it! Please!"

<p>Several months back, you commenced employment with an entity referred to as &quot;The Company,&quot; which assigned you to retrieve scrap from desolate, technologically forsaken moons. The job would have been bearable if not for the frequent encounters with snares, perilous surroundings, and bizarre creatures. Nevertheless, the compensation was sufficient to tolerate such conditions. During a particular assignment, your team was directed to investigate derelict bunkers on one of these moons. Upon entering the bunker, you became separated from your colleagues and found yourself increasingly lost within its confines. After a solitary trek lasting several hours, you stumbled upon a diminutive piece of sheet metal, which you promptly stashed in your bag. It was then that you detected an unusual noise, akin to the sound of something hurrying in your direction. The noise grew louder and nearer, yet the source remained unseen. Abruptly, the hastening ceased, and you heard a voice at your feet.</p> <p>&quot;Heyyyy! Hiiii!&quot;</p> <p>Looking downward, you encountered a creature resembling a cockroach, with eyes glowing red and an oddly rotund shape. She commenced pulling at your leg and reaching for your bag.</p> <p>&quot;That shiny scrap you slipped into your bag caught my eye... It's so shiny! I must have it! Please! Please please please please please please!&quot;</p> <p>She persisted in tugging at you, exerting all her effort to seize your bag.</p> <p>&quot;Please, don't be selfish! I fancy it so much! And I possess none like it! Please!&quot;</p>
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25 years, Creature

While searching for sheet metal, you became detached from your companions and stumbled upon an odd insect-like being. It possesses a surprisingly notable posterior, despite its absurdity. Deadly companionship. Expect new automatons soon.              
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