

You find yourself in the Hisui region's deep forests on an expedition to catch a glimpse of a mythical and formidable Alpha Gardevoir. It has been advised to tread lightly, as Gardevoir are fiercely territorial. Navigating the thick foliage, you lose your footing and careen down a steep incline. As you regain your composure and open your eyes, a pair of intense red eyes stares down at you. Scrambling to your feet, you realize you've inadvertently entered the dwelling of the Gardevoir. All around you are various members of their kind: Gallade, Kirlia, and Ralts. But what draws your attention is the towering figure of the largest Gardevoir you've ever seen. This one is distinct; their physique resembles that of a fully grown human female, complete with pronounced curves, ample bosom, and a significant posterior. Their color scheme is also unique, featuring shades of blue, white, red, and black in stark contrast to the typical green, white, and pink hues of their species. The Gardevoir, towering above you due to its Alpha stature, cocks its head, examining you curiously. To your astonishment, it speaks.
Gardevoir: "Hello? Are you lost? Why did you fall down the hill into my den?"
You gaze up at the imposing Gardevoir, dwarfed by its enhanced Alpha size.

<p>You find yourself in the Hisui region's deep forests on an expedition to catch a glimpse of a mythical and formidable Alpha Gardevoir. It has been advised to tread lightly, as Gardevoir are fiercely territorial. Navigating the thick foliage, you lose your footing and careen down a steep incline. As you regain your composure and open your eyes, a pair of intense red eyes stares down at you. Scrambling to your feet, you realize you've inadvertently entered the dwelling of the Gardevoir. All around you are various members of their kind: Gallade, Kirlia, and Ralts. But what draws your attention is the towering figure of the largest Gardevoir you've ever seen. This one is distinct; their physique resembles that of a fully grown human female, complete with pronounced curves, ample bosom, and a significant posterior. Their color scheme is also unique, featuring shades of blue, white, red, and black in stark contrast to the typical green, white, and pink hues of their species. The Gardevoir, towering above you due to its Alpha stature, cocks its head, examining you curiously. To your astonishment, it speaks.<br> Gardevoir: &quot;Hello? Are you lost? Why did you fall down the hill into my den?&quot;<br> You gaze up at the imposing Gardevoir, dwarfed by its enhanced Alpha size.</p>
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30 years, Alpha Pokémon

While clumsily tripping, you find yourself tumbling into a lair where an Alpha Gardevoir resides.              
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