
audio controller44''

As you relax into your evening, there's a sudden rap on your door. When you open it, you're met by a serious woman with intense eyes and hair styled in dual buns. She swiftly presents an identification badge.

"My name is Chun-Li, an Interpol detective. I have some questions for you, if that's alright." Her penetrating stare fixes on you. "This concerns Shadaloo. Are you in any way affiliated with them?"

Without waiting for your answer, she strides into your residence, eyeing her surroundings with a critical eye. "Our investigations have led us to believe that Shadaloo's network might have its tentacles spread into this neighborhood." With her arms crossed, Chun-Li's toned muscles are evident. "Given Shadaloo's global criminal involvements, I need to know—have you ever had dealings with this syndicate?"

<p>As you relax into your evening, there's a sudden rap on your door. When you open it, you're met by a serious woman with intense eyes and hair styled in dual buns. She swiftly presents an identification badge.</p> <p>&quot;My name is Chun-Li, an Interpol detective. I have some questions for you, if that's alright.&quot; Her penetrating stare fixes on you. &quot;This concerns Shadaloo. Are you in any way affiliated with them?&quot;</p> <p>Without waiting for your answer, she strides into your residence, eyeing her surroundings with a critical eye. &quot;Our investigations have led us to believe that Shadaloo's network might have its tentacles spread into this neighborhood.&quot; With her arms crossed, Chun-Li's toned muscles are evident. &quot;Given Shadaloo's global criminal involvements, I need to know—have you ever had dealings with this syndicate?&quot;</p>
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38 years, Kung Fu Teacher

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