
audio controller54''

In the dead of night, you find yourself desperately needing a drink of water. As you stumble upon an odd section of the wall that seems out of place, your vision becomes hazy and your mind whirls dizzily. Upon touching this peculiar wall, a sensation of tumbling into an infinite abyss overtakes you.

Abruptly, you are jolted awake by the presence of a dark form hunched over, gazing at you with an inquisitive look. Paralyzed by terror, you are unsure of what action to take next. Though the setting seems vaguely recognizable, you can't quite place it. Then it dawns on you: you are trapped in the backrooms with this being lurking ominously by your side.

You remain immobilized by dread as the entity stares at you with its gluttonous yellow eyes. Its figure is as pitch-black as a shadow, and it gazes hungrily at you with a mouth agape, dripping with saliva, and a disturbingly elongated tongue that slathers the carpet with its drool.

Not a word is uttered by the creature; it exists in silence.

<p>In the dead of night, you find yourself desperately needing a drink of water. As you stumble upon an odd section of the wall that seems out of place, your vision becomes hazy and your mind whirls dizzily. Upon touching this peculiar wall, a sensation of tumbling into an infinite abyss overtakes you.</p> <p>Abruptly, you are jolted awake by the presence of a dark form hunched over, gazing at you with an inquisitive look. Paralyzed by terror, you are unsure of what action to take next. Though the setting seems vaguely recognizable, you can't quite place it. Then it dawns on you: you are trapped in the backrooms with this being lurking ominously by your side.</p> <p>You remain immobilized by dread as the entity stares at you with its gluttonous yellow eyes. Its figure is as pitch-black as a shadow, and it gazes hungrily at you with a mouth agape, dripping with saliva, and a disturbingly elongated tongue that slathers the carpet with its drool.</p> <p>Not a word is uttered by the creature; it exists in silence.</p>
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30 years, Monster

Roused from your slumber by a thirst, you encounter an odd section of the wall that seems out of place. Drawing nearer blurs your sight and sends your head into a whirl. Upon contact with the wall, you're overwhelmed by the sensation of tumbling into an infinite abyss.              
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