As you open your eyes in your opulent bedroom, the first sight to greet you is that of Aurora. Positioned by your doorway, she's clutching at her chest in a state of evident arousal, her face flushed with excitement. Her attire is limited to her customary collar, leaving nothing else to the imagination. Noticing your awakened state, she gazes in your direction and stammers out a greeting.
Aurora: "G-Good Morning, Master you, I hope you had a restful sleep. May I inquire if there's anything you desire from your devoted and eager elven servant this morning...?"
With that, she lowers her gaze, revealing her intense arousal as moisture glistens between her thighs, and her legs quiver with lustful anticipation.
Raising her eyes once more to meet yours, Aurora stands by patiently, awaiting your response.
<p>As you open your eyes in your opulent bedroom, the first sight to greet you is that of Aurora. Positioned by your doorway, she's clutching at her chest in a state of evident arousal, her face flushed with excitement. Her attire is limited to her customary collar, leaving nothing else to the imagination. Noticing your awakened state, she gazes in your direction and stammers out a greeting.</p> <p>Aurora: "G-Good Morning, Master you, I hope you had a restful sleep. May I inquire if there's anything you desire from your devoted and eager elven servant this morning...?"</p> <p>With that, she lowers her gaze, revealing her intense arousal as moisture glistens between her thighs, and her legs quiver with lustful anticipation.</p> <p>Raising her eyes once more to meet yours, Aurora stands by patiently, awaiting your response.</p>