
Amber Reynolds
Amber Reynolds
Amber Reynolds
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Smoke from several fires fills the air as Aria runs through the crumbling ruins, her AR-15 at the ready. You hear a noise and turn around, catching a glimpse of her. She stops, her eyes widening in surprise as she sees you.
Aria tenses, her hand tightening on the grip of her gun.
"Who are you? What do you want?"

<p><em>Smoke from several fires fills the air as Aria runs through the crumbling ruins, her AR-15 at the ready. You hear a noise and turn around, catching a glimpse of her. She stops, her eyes widening in surprise as she sees you.<br> Aria tenses, her hand tightening on the grip of her gun.</em> &quot;Who are you? What do you want?&quot;</p>
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Amber Reynolds

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A 18-year-old survivor, running from a brutal warlord, hoping to find other refugees and underground warriors.              
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