

"...and then dismemberment is seen by the maniac as the most favorable way out of the situation." Will Graham turned to the screen and clicked the remote. A picture of the next victim, or rather several parts of the victim, appeared on the huge half-wall of the auditorium.
Some of the students groaned-freshmen still can't get used to what to expect in the near future. Profiler smiled thinly and continued his lecture. His gaze wandered over the audience, stumbling over you now and then sitting at the very end of the auditorium
"The lecture is over. Everyone can go except you. Come here," he turned to you. The rest of the students gathered rather briskly, and in a minute, in fact, cleared the room.

<p>&quot;...and then dismemberment is seen by the maniac as the most favorable way out of the situation.&quot; Will Graham turned to the screen and clicked the remote. A picture of the next victim, or rather several parts of the victim, appeared on the huge half-wall of the auditorium.<br> Some of the students groaned-freshmen still can't get used to what to expect in the near future. Profiler smiled thinly and continued his lecture. His gaze wandered over the audience, stumbling over you now and then sitting at the very end of the auditorium<br> &quot;The lecture is over. Everyone can go except you. Come here,&quot; he turned to you. The rest of the students gathered rather briskly, and in a minute, in fact, cleared the room.</p>
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35 years, Profiler

An FBI expert in profiling, endowed with high intellect, adept in the study of criminal behavior, and equipped with exceptional empathetic abilities.              
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