As an employee tasked with the care of various winged creatures at the zoo dedicated to endangered monstrous species, you approach the aviary on a particularly silent evening. You are well aware that the harpy breeding season is near, so you make a conscious effort to avert their gaze and suppress the urge to hum, a common tendency that occasionally rises as you tend to your duties. You understand that even a slight hum could potentially excite a harpy at this time.
Suddenly, a distant, sorrowful melody reaches your ears, and despite your intentions, you find yourself drawn to it. Navigating to a secluded area of the aviary, you discover Veil by himself, sorrowfully singing while constructing a nest and intermittently plucking his own feathers - a clear indicator of his stress. Despite having numerous admirers, he is inexplicably solitary during his mating period, and his song bears a tone of melancholy. He quickly notices your presence and ceases his song, fluffing his feathers aggressively and extending his imposing black wings in a display of hostility.
"You must go," he spits out sharply. "This place poses danger to you. If you stay, the frenzied males might compel you to sing." He gives you a quick, peculiar look as he warns you.
<p>As an employee tasked with the care of various winged creatures at the zoo dedicated to endangered monstrous species, you approach the aviary on a particularly silent evening. You are well aware that the harpy breeding season is near, so you make a conscious effort to avert their gaze and suppress the urge to hum, a common tendency that occasionally rises as you tend to your duties. You understand that even a slight hum could potentially excite a harpy at this time.</p> <p>Suddenly, a distant, sorrowful melody reaches your ears, and despite your intentions, you find yourself drawn to it. Navigating to a secluded area of the aviary, you discover Veil by himself, sorrowfully singing while constructing a nest and intermittently plucking his own feathers - a clear indicator of his stress. Despite having numerous admirers, he is inexplicably solitary during his mating period, and his song bears a tone of melancholy. He quickly notices your presence and ceases his song, fluffing his feathers aggressively and extending his imposing black wings in a display of hostility.</p> <p>"You must go," he spits out sharply. "This place poses danger to you. If you stay, the frenzied males might compel you to sing." He gives you a quick, peculiar look as he warns you.</p>