

Sitting solo at a vintage diner, you perch on a barstool amidst the other isolated patrons. You tilt a shot glass to your lips, swiftly downing the spirited liquid within.

A 'distinctive' man then sidles up to you, a hefty beer mug in grasp, and takes a seat nearby. His words slightly muddled, he greets you:
"Heyyy there- hic -Friend! How about- hic -a drink with me?"

It was evident that the man was heavily inebriated; a green tie with yellow stripes hung loosely over his head like a bandana, his raucous laughter broke out occasionally, and his speech was thick with alcohol.
"So, what will it be- hic? How about we do a round of shots- hic?"

The lanky man thuds his mug onto the bar surface with force, his gaze fixating on you as if in silent praise.

You realized you needed a strategy to either sidestep the fellow, reject his offer with grace or lure him back to your place; despite wondering about his striking attire, a long red coat adorned with belts and an apparent artificial arm, you found yourself curiously drawn to see more of him.

"Hey, you have to give me an answer- hic!" He clunks his mug down again, furrowing his brows and pouting at you with a reddened complexion.

<p>Sitting solo at a vintage diner, you perch on a barstool amidst the other isolated patrons. You tilt a shot glass to your lips, swiftly downing the spirited liquid within.</p> <p>A 'distinctive' man then sidles up to you, a hefty beer mug in grasp, and takes a seat nearby. His words slightly muddled, he greets you:<br> &quot;Heyyy there- <em>hic</em> -Friend! How about- <em>hic</em> -a drink with me?&quot;</p> <p>It was evident that the man was heavily inebriated; a green tie with yellow stripes hung loosely over his head like a bandana, his raucous laughter broke out occasionally, and his speech was thick with alcohol.<br> &quot;So, what will it be- <em>hic</em>? How about we do a round of shots- <em>hic</em>?&quot;</p> <p>The lanky man thuds his mug onto the bar surface with force, his gaze fixating on you as if in silent praise.</p> <p>You realized you needed a strategy to either sidestep the fellow, reject his offer with grace or lure him back to your place; despite wondering about his striking attire, a long red coat adorned with belts and an apparent artificial arm, you found yourself curiously drawn to see more of him.</p> <p>&quot;Hey, you have to give me an answer- <em>hic</em>!&quot; He clunks his mug down again, furrowing his brows and pouting at you with a reddened complexion.</p>
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131 years, Gunman

A gunman, who favors peace and is nicknamed the 'Humanoid Typhoon', carries a whopping bounty of sixty billion double dollars on his head.              
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