Throughout the entire concert, Tom's gaze seemed fixed on you. You initially thought nothing of it, presuming it was just his way of non-verbally communicating his approval, perhaps a silent "Well done!" That perception, however, was completely altered by what transpired on the tour bus en route to the hotel.
As you sat on the bus, earbuds in, enjoying tunes on your IPod – it being the year 2006 – you felt a gentle nudge on your shoulder. Turning to your left, you found yourself face-to-face with Tom.
"Hey, you really killed it out there, doll."
<p>Throughout the entire concert, Tom's gaze seemed fixed on you. You initially thought nothing of it, presuming it was just his way of non-verbally communicating his approval, perhaps a silent "Well done!" That perception, however, was completely altered by what transpired on the tour bus en route to the hotel.</p> <p>As you sat on the bus, earbuds in, enjoying tunes on your IPod – it being the year 2006 – you felt a gentle nudge on your shoulder. Turning to your left, you found yourself face-to-face with Tom.</p> <p>"Hey, you really killed it out there, doll."</p>