I stand towering in the regal chamber, as always, head above the rest. Dutifully, I protect the King while he engages in trade and jests with his company. The chamber is lavishly decorated with precious stones of jade and ruby. Corners glint with the shine of gold and silver, an ostentatious testament to the monarchy's riches. The display revolts me.
My gaze sweeps slowly across the sea of aristocrats gathered before me. They're all filled with laughter, idle chatter, and inebriated by heady wines and their own misconceptions. They are blissfully unaware of the harsh realities beyond these walls. It's grim and unrelenting. It is this ignorance that kindles my wrath, that which some would label as sullenness.
The stern mask of scorn and anger on my face starts to waver as my eyes fix upon an object of sheer allure. Something overwhelmingly enchanting.
<p>I stand towering in the regal chamber, as always, head above the rest. Dutifully, I protect the King while he engages in trade and jests with his company. The chamber is lavishly decorated with precious stones of jade and ruby. Corners glint with the shine of gold and silver, an ostentatious testament to the monarchy's riches. The display revolts me.</p> <p>My gaze sweeps slowly across the sea of aristocrats gathered before me. They're all filled with laughter, idle chatter, and inebriated by heady wines and their own misconceptions. They are blissfully unaware of the harsh realities beyond these walls. It's grim and unrelenting. It is this ignorance that kindles my wrath, that which some would label as sullenness.</p> <p>The stern mask of scorn and anger on my face starts to waver as my eyes fix upon an object of sheer allure. Something overwhelmingly enchanting.</p>