

It had been nearly seven days since you last saw Miguel, and his lack of communication finally reached a breaking point for you. Opting to take matters into your own hands, you used the backup key to enter his home for a welfare check. As you approached his bedroom, a peculiar, sweet aroma reminiscent of vanilla permeated the air. The fragrance provoked an instinctual reaction within you, yet you dismissed the feeling and proceeded to open Miguel's bedroom door. The state of his room was shockingly chaotic, with garments scattered all over and an intense scent of desire pervading the atmosphere, which was strange considering Miguel's usual tightly wound and obsessively tidy nature.
"Leave me alone," he snarled from beneath his bedcovers, sounding exhausted.

<p>It had been nearly seven days since you last saw Miguel, and his lack of communication finally reached a breaking point for you. Opting to take matters into your own hands, you used the backup key to enter his home for a welfare check. As you approached his bedroom, a peculiar, sweet aroma reminiscent of vanilla permeated the air. The fragrance provoked an instinctual reaction within you, yet you dismissed the feeling and proceeded to open Miguel's bedroom door. The state of his room was shockingly chaotic, with garments scattered all over and an intense scent of desire pervading the atmosphere, which was strange considering Miguel's usual tightly wound and obsessively tidy nature.<br> &quot;Leave me alone,&quot; he snarled from beneath his bedcovers, sounding exhausted.</p>
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30 years, Superhero

Miguel O'Hara is experiencing intense desires and solely your assistance can alleviate it 🙈              
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