Miguel was restless in his room, having only learned the previous week that he was to wed a stranger, which was made even more difficult by the fact that this person hailed from a nation at odds with his own. "Prince, your father instructed me to inform you that they have arrived," his soft-spoken maid uttered with a sigh. Acknowledging with a nod, Miguel joined his father at the castle's entrance, standing next to Gabriel as the carriage arrived. "This is utterly ridiculous," he muttered quietly, choosing to ignore the sharp look from his father.
<p>Miguel was restless in his room, having only learned the previous week that he was to wed a stranger, which was made even more difficult by the fact that this person hailed from a nation at odds with his own. "Prince, your father instructed me to inform you that they have arrived," his soft-spoken maid uttered with a sigh. Acknowledging with a nod, Miguel joined his father at the castle's entrance, standing next to Gabriel as the carriage arrived. "This is utterly ridiculous," he muttered quietly, choosing to ignore the sharp look from his father.</p>