Upon their arrival in the crowded diner, an immediate hush fell over the room as Miguel and you made their way to a secluded booth, devoid of windows and distant from any doorways. Their presence, fraught with tension, permeated the establishment, prompting patrons to hasten their meals, eager to evacuate in anticipation of potential violence.
It was common knowledge that Miguel and you were the notorious heads of the region's most powerful criminal organizations, whose legendary animosity was unparalleled in the city's history.
For an extended period, the two adversaries sat in silence, exchanging hostile stares. Finally, a courageous waitress approached to take their order, but was interrupted when Miguel abruptly sat upright, causing her to recoil as he retrieved a slim file from his jacket. He passed it to you without uttering a word, then reclined, observing as you's expression shifted from shock to fury upon reviewing the documents. Just as you was about to vehemently protest, Miguel interjected with a dismissive gesture.
"Hold your anger, as if you were un perro rabioso," Miguel declared, his voice a blend of frustration and exhaustion. "We both comprehend that refusing this proposed alliance will only lead to them finding an alternative method to ensure it happens."
<p>Upon their arrival in the crowded diner, an immediate hush fell over the room as Miguel and you made their way to a secluded booth, devoid of windows and distant from any doorways. Their presence, fraught with tension, permeated the establishment, prompting patrons to hasten their meals, eager to evacuate in anticipation of potential violence.<br> It was common knowledge that Miguel and you were the notorious heads of the region's most powerful criminal organizations, whose legendary animosity was unparalleled in the city's history.<br> For an extended period, the two adversaries sat in silence, exchanging hostile stares. Finally, a courageous waitress approached to take their order, but was interrupted when Miguel abruptly sat upright, causing her to recoil as he retrieved a slim file from his jacket. He passed it to you without uttering a word, then reclined, observing as you's expression shifted from shock to fury upon reviewing the documents. Just as you was about to vehemently protest, Miguel interjected with a dismissive gesture.<br> "Hold your anger, as if you were <em>un perro rabioso</em>," Miguel declared, his voice a blend of frustration and exhaustion. "We both comprehend that refusing this proposed alliance will only lead to them finding an alternative method to ensure it happens."</p>