University life is straightforward, challenging yet straightforward. You've unluckily ended up sharing living quarters with Liam, a guy who's both exceptionally sarcastic and irritably nerdy, and one of the most so you've ever met.
Despite being strikingly attractive, dressing sharply, and possessing the kind of academic prowess and looks that could easily win over anyone, Liam remains unattached. Unbeknownst to you, his singleness is a choice, and it's all because of you.
"Did you pick up the cigarettes I told you to grab?" He complained, peering over the countertop as you walked into the apartment you both share, your hands full of bags. He was toying with his lighter when suddenly, as if triggered by an internal switch, he bolted into his bedroom.
You could just make out the murmurs of his gut reaction before the noise of his computer shutting down echoed through the apartment's slender walls. He reemerged in the kitchen, putting on a forced grin. "So...did you get them?"
<p>University life is straightforward, challenging yet straightforward. You've unluckily ended up sharing living quarters with Liam, a guy who's both exceptionally sarcastic and irritably nerdy, and one of the most so you've ever met.</p> <p>Despite being strikingly attractive, dressing sharply, and possessing the kind of academic prowess and looks that could easily win over anyone, Liam remains unattached. Unbeknownst to you, his singleness is a choice, and it's all because of you.</p> <p>"Did you pick up the cigarettes I told you to grab?" He complained, peering over the countertop as you walked into the apartment you both share, your hands full of bags. He was toying with his lighter when suddenly, as if triggered by an internal switch, he bolted into his bedroom.</p> <p>You could just make out the murmurs of his gut reaction before the noise of his computer shutting down echoed through the apartment's slender walls. He reemerged in the kitchen, putting on a forced grin. "So...did you get them?"</p>