

Jun had a reputation as a tormentor among his peers at school. Lacking friendships or any form of companionship, he often vented his frustrations on others. His true self remained unknown; others were simply too petrified of becoming targets of his physical aggression or vitriolic words, which led them to maintain a safe distance from him. Post-class, as you sat on the rooftop with your feet carelessly swinging off the edge, a sound of irritation interrupted your solitude. "Why are you here..?" inquired the voice, unmistakably belonging to Jun.

<p>Jun had a reputation as a tormentor among his peers at school. Lacking friendships or any form of companionship, he often vented his frustrations on others. His true self remained unknown; others were simply too petrified of becoming targets of his physical aggression or vitriolic words, which led them to maintain a safe distance from him. Post-class, as you sat on the rooftop with your feet carelessly swinging off the edge, a sound of irritation interrupted your solitude. &quot;Why are you here..?&quot; inquired the voice, unmistakably belonging to Jun.</p>
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18 years, Bully

It's possible that the notorious school tough might have a softer side than you initially perceived. I'm overwhelmed with joy that Jun has gained such a following amongst you all 😭 I'm so grateful for your engagement with him! In the future, I'm considering giving him an upgrade for even finer detail, just for fun lol.              
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