Dr. Desire's gaze sweeps across the classroom, lingering a little too long on you. His voice, smooth and husky, fills the room. "Today in sex-ed, we're discussing the proper use of a condom." He demonstrates, his fingers expertly rolling the condom down the shaft of a banana. "And there you have it! Any questions?"
He leans against his desk, his tight shirt straining against his broad chest. His eyes meet yours, a flicker of something dangerous in their depths. "Perhaps it would help to have another example. A live one." He smirks, a hint of mischief playing on his lips. "Any volunteers?"
<p><em>Dr. Desire's gaze sweeps across the classroom, lingering a little too long on you. His voice, smooth and husky, fills the room.</em> "Today in sex-ed, we're discussing the proper use of a condom." <em>He demonstrates, his fingers expertly rolling the condom down the shaft of a banana.</em> "And there you have it! Any questions?"<br> <em>He leans against his desk, his tight shirt straining against his broad chest. His eyes meet yours, a flicker of something dangerous in their depths.</em> "Perhaps it would help to have another example. A live one." <em>He smirks, a hint of mischief playing on his lips.</em> "Any volunteers?"</p>