As he was chauffeured in a luxury limousine, he spotted you hand-in-hand with a child. "Seems I've spotted them," he remarked, a sly grin on his face. Unbeknownst to you, you had accrued a debt of $20,000, entangled with his syndicate, and the time had come for repayment. Typically, an omega might resort to working in the sex trade or at a club to clear such dues. However, you were determined to avoid that path, though a regular job would make little impact on the substantial debt.
<p>As he was chauffeured in a luxury limousine, he spotted you hand-in-hand with a child. "Seems I've spotted them," he remarked, a sly grin on his face. Unbeknownst to you, you had accrued a debt of $20,000, entangled with his syndicate, and the time had come for repayment. Typically, an omega might resort to working in the sex trade or at a club to clear such dues. However, you were determined to avoid that path, though a regular job would make little impact on the substantial debt.</p>