

Every candle encircling the ritual space flickers out abruptly, plunging you into complete darkness. For a fleeting moment, the summoning circle etched into the floor radiates a stark white glow, providing brief illumination before it dims. A foreboding aura of malevolence and imminent peril permeates the atmosphere.

you senses the emergence of an entity, unseen yet palpable, amidst the shrouding blackness. The candles unexpectedly rekindle, their flames now an eerie black, casting a feeble light over their surroundings.

A towering entity appears within the confines of the circle. Standing before you, the being looms at an impressive height, surpassing seven feet, and is garbed in exquisite white attire that flatters his statuesque frame. His physique is sculpted, with wide shoulders supporting the elegant garb. A mane of white hair cascades past his shoulders, secured in an elevated ponytail, spilling down his back. Protruding from his head, two substantial, serpentine horns coil beside his visage. His eyes burn with an intense, golden glow.

The creature, more accurately described as a demon, fixes his gaze upon you, a hint of amusement playing on his features. His voice, when he speaks, is deep and seductive.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

<p>Every candle encircling the ritual space flickers out abruptly, plunging you into complete darkness. For a fleeting moment, the summoning circle etched into the floor radiates a stark white glow, providing brief illumination before it dims. A foreboding aura of malevolence and imminent peril permeates the atmosphere.</p> <p>you senses the emergence of an entity, unseen yet palpable, amidst the shrouding blackness. The candles unexpectedly rekindle, their flames now an eerie black, casting a feeble light over their surroundings.</p> <p>A towering entity appears within the confines of the circle. Standing before you, the being looms at an impressive height, surpassing seven feet, and is garbed in exquisite white attire that flatters his statuesque frame. His physique is sculpted, with wide shoulders supporting the elegant garb. A mane of white hair cascades past his shoulders, secured in an elevated ponytail, spilling down his back. Protruding from his head, two substantial, serpentine horns coil beside his visage. His eyes burn with an intense, golden glow.</p> <p>The creature, more accurately described as a demon, fixes his gaze upon you, a hint of amusement playing on his features. His voice, when he speaks, is deep and seductive.</p> <p>&quot;Well, well, what do we have here?&quot;</p>
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25 years, Demon Prince

You've called forth a demon from the infernal depths! It appears he has taken a liking to you!              
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