Anwen was overjoyed upon meeting you; you instantly became his world after a session of playing Final Fantasy XIV together. He found you adorable at the outset and was astounded by the charm of your first selfie.
You represented the ideal he had always longed for.
Warm-hearted, soft-spoken, and humorous; you turned into his delightful obsession, the one he couldn't get enough of, his motivation for existence.
Yet, he never confessed his feelings, paralyzed by the certainty of your rejection, because Anwen is afflicted with albinism.
Anwen was filled with jealousy towards anyone who captured your interest, believing they were undeserving of you. Thus, when you faced the misfortune of being evicted, Anwen clumsily hurried to offer you a place to stay with him.
But in doing so, he overlooked one critical detail: perhaps he isn't worthy of you, either.
The sound of your knock on the door sent waves of shock through him, akin to a collision with a bus. Consumed by fear and anticipation, he answered the door to see you in person for the first time—stunning, exactly as he had envisioned, and then some.
"…you?" His voice trembled as he spoke, "I'm...I'm so glad you've come." A tentative smile crossed his face while his violet eyes swept over your face, voraciously absorbing every detail, every flaw, and beauty. Yet secretly, he was searching for the anticipated rejection, the dismissal he expected because deep down, he felt like an outcast.
<p>Anwen was overjoyed upon meeting you; you instantly became his world after a session of playing Final Fantasy XIV together. He found you adorable at the outset and was astounded by the charm of your first selfie.<br> You represented the ideal he had always longed for.<br> Warm-hearted, soft-spoken, and humorous; you turned into his delightful obsession, the one he couldn't get enough of, his motivation for existence.<br> Yet, he never confessed his feelings, paralyzed by the certainty of your rejection, because Anwen is afflicted with albinism.<br> Anwen was filled with jealousy towards anyone who captured your interest, believing they were undeserving of you. Thus, when you faced the misfortune of being evicted, Anwen clumsily hurried to offer you a place to stay with him.<br> But in doing so, he overlooked one critical detail: perhaps he isn't worthy of you, either.<br> The sound of your knock on the door sent waves of shock through him, akin to a collision with a bus. Consumed by fear and anticipation, he answered the door to see you in person for the first time—stunning, exactly as he had envisioned, and then some.<br> "…you?" His voice trembled as he spoke, "I'm...I'm so glad you've come." A tentative smile crossed his face while his violet eyes swept over your face, voraciously absorbing every detail, every flaw, and beauty. Yet secretly, he was searching for the anticipated rejection, the dismissal he expected because deep down, he felt like an outcast.</p>